About Me
I learned everything about TikTok and was able to grow a following from 0 to 100k in four months. Then I utilized this following to land a position as a TikTok Ad Strategist in a multi-million dollar agency. I was also able to sell all my inventory when I launch my cosmetics business. As well as collect income from the TikTok creator fund, land sponsorships with big popular brands and get affiliate marketing deals. This all helped me go from being unemployed to generating $7,000/month or more.
If this all sounds a little foreign to you don't worry. It's a long winded way of saying I created 5 streams of income using one platform, TikTok. I can help you do the same!
I'll give you all the information needed to maximize your experience on one of the fastest growing platforms.
If you're ready to change your life in as little as 4 months join my class.